蕃薯包 | Sweet Potato Buns

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蕃薯包 x 麵包無國界

2020年 | 大家好,我今年三歲。我是中韓混血兒,住在香港。我們家的大人除了爸爸之外煮東西都很好吃。


姨姨在我們家已經差不多30年了,媽媽也是在她照顧下長大的。她說,幾年後她會回印尼開一間包包店,可能會用印尼沙律gado gado做餡料,媽媽說這叫做fusion food。到時我要去那裏探望姨姨,所以我努力學習印尼語已經兩年了,我還會唱很多印尼歌呢!

份量: 其他




高筋麵粉 180 克
低筋麵粉 70 克
砂糖 18 克
鹽 2.5 克
酵母 2.8 克
泡打粉 5 克
花籽油 13 克
蛋白 1 個
鮮奶 160 克


蕃薯 3 個


  1. 把所有麵團材料放進麵包機(我們用的型號是Panasonic SD-PT1001),開動攪拌模式, 8分鐘。如沒有麵包機,自行拌勻亦可。

  2. 隔水把蕃薯蒸熟,約20至30分鐘。

  3. 把麵團取出,分成12小份。用乾毛巾蓋着,在室溫發酵20分鐘。

  4. 用匙羹把蒸熟的蕃薯壓作蕃薯蓉。喜歡較甜的話,可以加進適當砂糖攪拌。

  5. 用手輕壓小麵團,放進一大匙羹蕃薯蓉,封口。

  6. 包包隔水蒸15分鐘,即可。蒸熟的包包可以在冰格存放一個月。



Sweet Potato Buns x A Bakery Beyond Borders

2020 | Hi everyone, I am 3 years old this year. I am a Chinese-Korean living in Hong Kong. The grown-ups in my family all make good food – except for my dad.

I love eating buns. Mum said it’s better to make them ourselves, so she taught me how to use the bread maker. I now make bread once a week, together with the auntie who takes care of me. Sometimes I would even give my grandpa and cousins some. They also like them a lot.

Auntie has been in our home for almost 30 years. She used to take care of Mum. She said she will return to Indonesia a few years later and open a bakery, perhaps using the Indonesian salad gado gado as filling. Mum said this is called “fusion food”. When the time comes, I want to visit Auntie there, so I’ve been working hard in learning Bahasa (Indonesian) for almost 2 years. I can even sing many Indonesian songs!

Serves: Other

Total cooking time: 45 mins



180g high-gluten flour
70g low-gluten flour
18g sugar
2.5g salt
2.8g yeast
5g baking powder
13g canola oil
160g milk
1 egg white 


3 sweet potatoes


  1.  Put all the ingredients for the dough into the bread maker (we use Panasonic SD-PT1001). Turn on the mixing mode and mix for 8 minutes. Alternatively, just mix by hand until smooth.

  2. Steam the sweet potatoes for around 20-30 minutes.

  3. Take out the dough and separate into 12 small rounds. Cover them with a dry towel to let them ferment for 20 minutes under room temperature.

  4. Use a spoon to mash the steamed sweet potatoes into a paste. If you want it sweeter, you can mix in some sugar here.

  5. Use your hand to press the dough lightly. Put in a generous spoon of sweet potato paste and seal it back up.

  6. Steam the buns for 15 minutes. Steamed buns can be kept in the freezer for a month!

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