粟米素肉粒飯 | Creamed Corn Rice

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粟米素肉粒飯 x 一個男人的浪漫

1985年 | 以前需要到各區工作,中午飯最喜歡在茶餐廳一支公吃一碟碟頭飯,來一個男人的浪漫。 粟米肉粒飯是常點的碟頭飯款之一,突然很懷念昔日的味道,於是運用雞脾菇和豆乾創造肉粒的口感,創作了這一款粟米素肉粒飯,簡單易做又好味,希望大家喜歡!




雞脾菇 2 隻(切粒)
五香豆腐乾 2 大件(切粒)
忌廉粟米 1 盒
葫蘆巴籽 1/2 茶匙
黑胡椒粉 1/4 茶匙
鹽 1 茶匙



  1. 炒香雞脾菇和五香豆乾備用。

  2. 倒一盒忌廉粟米入煲,加所有調味料煮滾,放入雞脾菇及五香豆乾略煮。

  3. 將忌廉粟米倒在白飯上即成。



Creamed Corn Rice x Solitary Romance

1985 | When I used to work in different districts, my favourite thing to do at lunch was to go to a cha chaan teng (local diner) by myself and have a plate of stir fry over rice. One could say it’s a man’s solitary romance! The creamed corn pork with rice was my go-to. As I suddenly felt nostalgic for those flavours, I used oyster mushrooms and dried bean curd to recreate the texture, and made this vegetarian version of the dish. It’s delicious and easy to make – hope you like it!

Serves: 4

Total cooking time: 30 minutes


2 oyster mushrooms, diced
2 large blocks five-spice dried bean curd, diced
1 box creamed sweet corn
1/2 tsp fenugreek seeds
1/4 tsp black pepper
1 tsp salt 

*Fenugreek seeds can be purchased from HKTVmall or Indian provision stores


  1. Sauté the mushrooms and dried bean; set aside.

  2. Pour the creamed corn into a pot, stir in the seasoning, cook for a bit with the mushrooms and dried bean curd.

  3. Pour the creamed corn over white rice to serve.

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