回鍋雞脾菇 | Twice-Cooked Oyster Mushrooms

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回鍋雞脾菇 x 懷舊味道,重新演繹

自從吃素之後, 所吃的東西都改變了。 但記憶之中還會想念一些懷舊的味道。 上海館的回鍋肉就是其中一個例子, 好懷念那一種辣辣地, 好開胃的味道, 於是乎自己去研究一個素食版本的回鍋肉。

這些回憶大概是在八九十年代,香港開了很多經濟上海菜館,如「一品香」、「三六九」等。這些菜館有一種叫客飯的offer, 就是點菜單中一味小菜: 有回鍋肉、蝦仁炒蛋、炒鱔糊、 小白蹄……然後跟上一碗飯和一碗湯,另可以加錢把白飯升級為菜飯,既經濟又飽肚。




雞脾菇 1 大隻(切薄片)
五香豆腐乾 3 件(切薄片)
椰菜 1/4 個(切小塊)
虎皮椒 2-3 個(切小塊)
甘筍 半個(切小塊)
昆布味噌 1 湯匙
辣豆瓣醬 1 茶匙
素蠔油 1 湯匙
麻油 適量


  1. 用水烚雞脾菇數分鐘,然後用冷水沖去潺水,掠乾備用。

  2. 將昆布味噌及辣豆瓣醬拌勻,備用。

  3. 用少許油先把虎皮椒炒香,再放甘筍片炒一會。

  4. 放入豆腐乾、雞脾菇片。炒熱後,加入豆瓣醬合成,炒匀,太稠的話可以加少許油。

  5. 放入椰菜,炒一會,再放素蠔油。

  6. 椰菜熟後,收火,拌入少量的麻油即成。



Twice-Cooked Oyster Mushrooms x New Spin on Old Flavours

Since becoming vegan, everything about eating has changed. But I still recall some nostalgic tastes such as the Shanghainese twice-cooked pork. I missed the hot and appetising flavours, so I studied the dish and experimented with a vegan version.

These memories are from the 1980s to 1990s, when Hong Kong opened many affordable Shanghainese restaurants such as Yat Pan Heung and 3.6.9. Restaurant.

They had these set menu offers where you could order a side dish to go along with a bowl of rice and soup. There was twice-cooked pork, fried egg with shrimps, braised eel, pig hog slices... You could also upgrade the plain rice to a vegetable rice. These restaurants offered an economical and filling option to many.

Serves: 2

Total cooking time: 1 hour


1 large oyster mushroom, cut in slices
3 blocks five-spice dried bean curd, cut in slices
1/4 cabbage, chopped
2-3 pan-seared green chili pepper, chopped
1/2 carrot, chopped
1 tbsp miso
1 tsp chili bean sauce
1 tbsp vegan oyster sauce
Some sesame oil


  1. Poach the oyster mushroom for a few minutes, then rinse with cold water, drain, and set aside.

  2. Mix the miso and chili bean sauce, set aside.

  3. Fry the pan-seared pepper with a bit of oil, then add the carrots and fry for a bit more.

  4. Add the dried bean curd and oyster mushroom. After it’s fried and heated, put in the bean sauce mixture. Mix well. Add a bit of oil if dry.

  5. Put in the cabbage, fry for a bit longer before adding the vegan oyster sauce.

  6. When the cabbage is done, turn off the stove, and mix in some sesame oil to finish. 

Did you make this dish? Share your memory about it in the comment box below!