無肉客家釀豆腐 | Meatless Hakka-style Stuffed Tofu

A Pocket of Stillness.png

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無肉客家釀豆腐 x 心中一片靜

2020年 | 我只做過這道菜一次。那時是波士頓市面氣氛開始變得緊張的首個周末,我大部分在私營機構工作的朋友都已留家工作,但市政府並未有實施相關措施,令一切都感覺非常飄忽。我決定煮一樣須慢慢烹調又可帶來慰籍的食物。能夠暫時心無雜念的切蘑菇,原來是一種福氣。




軟豆腐 1 磚 / 450 克
冬菇 120 克(或其他大而多肉的蘑菇;切碎)
薑 1 茶匙(切碎)
芥花油 2 茶匙
麻油 1 茶匙
生抽 1 湯匙
紹興酒 2 茶匙
白胡椒 1/8 茶匙
鹽 1/4 茶匙
蔥頭 1 顆(切粒)
蠔油 1 湯匙
老抽 1 茶匙
鷹粟粉 1 茶匙


  1. 將豆腐切成5厘米方塊,約2厘米厚。從每塊中撈出約1茶匙的豆腐,以便稍後釀入材料。將多餘豆腐搗碎,與蘑菇拌匀。

  2. 用中火在平底鍋燒熱芥花油和麻油,將蒜和薑炒至嫩。放入部分葱頭,紹興酒和豆腐蘑菇混合。煮約5分鐘,直至變乾及呈深褐色。加入生抽,用鹽和胡椒粉調味,煮多2-3分鐘,盛起備用。

  3. 平均分好豆腐蘑菇,釀入每塊豆腐。用鑊或蒸鍋蒸好豆腐,約10分鐘。

  4. 蒸豆腐時,將1湯匙鷹粟粉和1湯匙水拌匀,備用。準備葱頭。

  5. 豆腐蒸好後,小心移開碟子。將多餘醬汁倒回鑊中,如有需要,可多加點水,製成約1/4杯醬汁。

  6. 慢煮醬汁,加入蠔油和老抽。用少許鹽和白胡椒調味,慢慢加入鷹粟粉,每次放1茶匙。將醬汁煮至濃稠,能夠蓋住匙羹背面即可。

  7. 將醬汁倒在豆腐上,灑上葱頭後即成。



Meatless Hakka-style Stuffed Tofu x A Pocket of Stillness

2020 | I’ve only ever made this dish once and it was on the first weekend when things in Boston started getting serious and most of my friends in the private sector had started to work from home. The City still hadn’t had a work from home policy so everything was very uncertain, and I just needed to cook something that would be time-consuming and comforting. It was so soothing to be able to just chop mushrooms and not worry about things for a while.

Serves: 3

Total cooking time: 45 minutes


1 block soft tofu (450g)
120g shiitake mushrooms, minced (or king oyster mushrooms or any meaty mushroom)
1 tsp fresh ginger, minced
2 tsp canola oil
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tbsp light soy sauce
2 tsp Shaoxing wine
1/8 tsp white pepper
1/4 tsp salt
1 scallion, diced
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tsp dark soy sauce
1 tsp corn starch


  1. Cut the tofu into 5cm squares about 2cm thick. Scoop out about 1 tsp of tofu from each piece to make room for the 'meat'. Mince the excess tofu and mix with the minced mushrooms. 

  2. Heat canola oil and sesame oil in skillet over medium heat and sauté garlic and ginger until soft. Add some of the scallions, the Shaoxing wine, and mushroom-tofu mix. Cook until dry and dark brown, about 5 minutes. Add light soy sauce. Add salt and pepper to season. Cook another 2 to 3 minutes. Remove from heat and set aside.

  3. Divide the mushroom-tofu mix amongst the tofu squares. Steam the plate of tofu in a wok or steamer for about 10 minutes.

  4. While the tofu is steaming, mix 1 tsp of corn starch with 1 tbsp of water and set aside. Prepare the scallions.

  5. When the tofu is done, carefully remove the plate. Pour any excess liquid back into the wok and add more water if needed to make about 1/4 cup of sauce.

  6. Heat the liquid to a simmer and add the oyster sauce and dark soy. Season with a bit of salt and white pepper, and add the corn starch slurry slowly, 1 tsp at a time. Simmer the sauce until it's thick enough to coat the back of a spoon. 

  7. Pour the sauce over the tofu and garnish with scallions.

Did you make this dish? Share your memory about it in the comment box below!