番茄豆腐煎餅 | Scrambled Tofu & Tomato Pancakes

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番茄豆腐煎餅 x 婆婆廚房

2020年 | 婆婆今年90歲,有很多生活細節已經記不起了,但她依然堅持為我們煮飯。過往煮的是肉,現在我們一家大多食素了,她便看電視、讀菜譜,希望可以繼續為我們煮每一頓飯。



份量: 6



硬豆腐 300g / 一磚
番茄 450g / 3 個
紅蘿蔔 85g / 1條中型
黃薑粉 1茶匙
芫荽 5棵
中筋麵粉 260g / 2 杯
水 100cc 
地瓜粉或粟粉 70g / 半杯
鹽 5g / 1 茶匙
砂糖 3g / 0.5 茶匙
胡椒粉 少許


  1. 用乾淨毛巾或廚房紙巾吸去豆腐的多餘水份。將豆腐搗碎。

  2. 用刀在番茄的尾部鎅十字,放入碗裡,盛滿滾水,讓水完全覆蓋番茄,稍後去皮便容易得多。

  3. 將蘿蔔去皮並切細粒。將芫荽切碎。將番茄去皮,去蒂,切粒。

  4. 燒熱一點油,用中火炒豆腐,約1分鐘。加入1茶匙黃薑粉,再炒2-3分鐘,直至豆腐水份蒸發。

  5. 盛起豆腐,放進一個大碗裡,加入蘿蔔、芫荽和番茄,拌勻。加入麵粉、水和地瓜粉或粟粉,再攪拌均勻。放入鹽、糖和胡椒粉來調味。

  6. 在慢火下加入足夠的油去覆蓋鍋面。將麵糊一羹羹放入鍋,鋪平,底部煎成金黃色後,翻過來煎另一面。兩面都呈金黃即成。






Scrambled Tofu & Tomato Pancakes x From Grandma’s Kitchen Table

2020 | At 90 years old this year, my grandmother has forgotten a lot of the details of daily life, but she still insists on cooking for us. She used to cook meat, but now that most of my family has gone vegetarian, she watches TV and reads recipes so she can continue to make our every meal.

Recently I made this vegan tofu and tomato pancake, which she really liked. She reminded me every day to write down the steps for her, so that once she’s learnt it, we can have something new to eat after work. 

You cannot not think about people around you when you change your diet. And when family and friends who aren’t vegetarian end up caring more about your meals than you do yourself – it’s an incredible feeling. That’s love.

Serves: 6

Total cooking time: 1 hour


300g / 1 block firm tofu
450g / 3 tomatoes
85g / 1 medium carrot
1 tsp turmeric powder
5 stems coriander
260g / 2 cups all-purpose flour
100cc water
70g / half cup tapioca starch or corn starch
5g / 1 tsp salt
3g / 0.5 tsp sugar
Ground white pepper to taste


  1. Use a clean towel or kitchen towel to soak up the excess water of the tofu. Mash the tofu.

  2. Use a knife to slit a cross at the bottom of each tomato. Put the tomatoes in a bowl, fill it with boiled water until the tomatoes are covered. This will make it easier to peel the skin later.

  3. Peel the carrot and mince it. Roughly chop the coriander. Peel, de-stem, and dice the tomatoes.

  4. Heat up some oil on medium heat to fry the tofu for about 1 minute. Add 1 tsp of turmeric, then fry for another 2-3 minutes, until the excess water evaporates.

  5. Scoop out the tofu and place in a large bowl. Add the carrot, coriander, and tomatoes. Mix well. Add the flour, water, tapioca/corn starch. Mix to combine. Season with salt, sugar, and white pepper.

  6. Cover the pan with a thin layer of oil and put the mixture onto the pan scoop by scoop. Flatten them out. Flip when the bottom turns golden. The pancakes are done when both sides are golden.

Contributor’s Note:

I followed the suggested amount of flour and starch but it made the pancakes too thick. Next time I will put less.

Recipe source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ja5F7TVMbr4

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