亞美尼亞扁豆丸 | Armenian Red Lentil Kofte

A Grandmas Key to Longevity.png

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亞美尼亞扁豆丸 x 婆婆的長壽秘訣

2011年 | 10年前在土耳其讀大學時放一個星期假,我和一個美國同學計劃坐內陸機到土耳其東部,然後經陸路進入高加索地帶,探索格魯吉亞(Georgia / საქართველო)和阿塞拜疆(Azerbaijan /  Azərbaycan)兩個較難去的國家。當年格魯吉亞只要求特區護照持有人在關口取得落地簽證,而阿塞拜疆就要求事先在土耳其的領事館辦理旅客簽證後才可以入境。

到領事館後,我和美國同學被分別帶到兩個房間。當時領事館官員聲稱我的特區護照是中國護照,而中國是友好國家,所以免簽!(但我心想:到達關口無證就麻煩了。)當時他們又見我同學可能來自比較富有的國家,所以索價110元美金才肯辦理,而阿塞拜疆的旅客簽證其實只需30元美金。最後我們不服氣,決定去他「死對頭」亞美尼亞(Armenia / Հայաստան)旅行。就這樣,我們立刻安排了一個快閃之旅,由土耳其東部坐巴士入格魯吉亞,然後再坐火車和山區小巴進入亞美尼亞。

亞美尼亞山清水秀、重巒疊嶂,我們希望更深入認識這個美麗的國度,於是參加了本地包團,遊覽Lake Sevan高山湖一帶。導遊見我們特別有興趣,就帶了我們到他婆婆家吃午飯。

說來慚愧,今天實在記不起當年村落的所在地。席間婆婆煮了這碟Vospov Kofte伴其他沙律吃。我並非素食者,所以一直對這麼豐富的一餐素菜午膳記憶猶新。


適逢踏足亞美尼亞10週年,而今個夏天倫敦的天氣不尋常地陰沈,就決定回味一下Vospov Kofte,自high一番。




紅扁豆 1 杯
水 3 杯
鹽 2 茶匙
黃洋蔥 1 個(切丁)
蒜 2 瓣(切碎)
橄欖油 4 湯匙
布格麥 1 杯
蔥 3 根(切丁)
香芹 1/4 杯(切碎)
孜然 1 茶匙
紅椒粉 1 茶匙
卡宴辣椒粉 1/4 茶匙(可選)


  1. 將扁豆放入一個大煲,加3杯水混合煮沸。調慢火燉約15分鐘,或直到扁豆變得非常軟身。熄火,加2茶匙鹽攪勻。

  2. 同時,在平底鍋燒熱一點油,加入洋蔥。炒至半透明,約6分鐘,然後加入蒜頭,再炒一分鐘。

  3. 將未煮熟的布格麥加入扁豆中,然後加入洋蔥、蒜頭和剩餘的油。把煲蓋上,煮20分鐘,或直至布格麥吸收所有液體並變得軟身。

  4. 加入蔥、香芹、紅椒粉和卡宴辣椒粉。加鹽和胡椒粉調味。攪拌均勻。

  5. 稍微冷卻後,用手將食材捏成一個一個菱形「飯」糰。

  6. 上菜前灑上紅椒粉和酸奶。




Armenian Red Lentil Kofte x A Grandma’s Key to Longevity

2011 | While studying in Turkey 10 years ago, an American classmate and I had a week-long break and planned to take a domestic flight to eastern Turkey before entering the Caucasus by land to explore Georgia (საქართველო) and Azerbaijan (Azərbaycan). Georgia only required visas upon entry for SAR passport holders at the time. Azerbaijan on the other hand required prior visa application.

At the embassy in Turkey, my classmate and I were led into two different rooms. The officer said that my SAR passport was a Chinese passport, and since China was a friendly country, I could go visa-free! (All I could think of was how much trouble I would get into if I then arrived  at the border without a visa.) My American classmate, however, was deemed to be from a wealthier country, so the officers demanded US$110 from him when a tourist visa only cost US$30. 

Refusing to be subject to their whims, we decided to go to Azerbaijan’s nemesis – Armenia (Հայաստան) – instead. This sudden pivot took us from eastern Turkey into Georgia by bus, and then, with the train and a village minibus, into Armenia.

Armenia’s landscape was breathtaking, with rolling hills and meandering streams. We went on a local tour to explore the Lake Sevan region so we could understand the country better. Seeing our enthusiasm, the tour guide brought us to his grandmother’s home for lunch.

I have shamefully forgotten the exact location of the village, but the Vospov Kofte and salad that the grandmother made remain vivid in my memory. I am not vegetarian, so this scrumptious plant-based feast made a strong impression on me. 

The tour guide mentioned that life expectancy in Armenia was only about 45 years during the Soviet times. One of the reasons was the weak economy, but alcohol and smoking were also to blame. We joked that his grandmother could live well because of her simple diet and, more importantly, the beautiful plating. Even with a vegetarian dish, so long as it looks attractive and colourful, the person eating it will be happy and go on to live a long life! Since then, no matter what I eat, I make sure the food is well-presented so as to whet my appetite. (In Cantonese, we say this is “to be high with oneself.”)

10 years after I set foot in Armenia, I find myself in an abnormally dreary summer in London and decided to make this Vospov Kofte - why can’t I create my own cause for celebration?

Serves: Other (makes about 18 kofte)

Total cooking time: 45-60 minutes


1 cup red lentils
3 cups water
2 tsp salt
1 yellow onion, diced
2 cloves of garlic, minced
4 tbsp olive oil
1 cup of bulgur wheat
3 spring onions, diced
1/4 cup flat leaf parsley, chopped
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp paprika
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper (optional)
Salt & pepper to taste
Greek yogurt (optional)


  1. In a large pot, combine lentils with 3 cups of water and bring to boil. Reduce heat and leave to simmer partially uncovered, for about 15 minutes (or until lentils are very tender). Take off heat and stir in 2 tsp of salt.

  2. Meanwhile, heat oil in a pan over medium heat and add chopped onion. Sauté until translucent, about 6 minutes, then add in garlic and sauté for another minute.

  3. Stir in uncooked bulgur wheat to lentils, then stir in onion, garlic and remaining oil in the pan. Cover pot with lid and leave for about 20 minutes or until bulgur wheat has absorbed liquid and is soft.

  4. Mix in spring onions, parsley, cumin, paprika, cayenne pepper. Add salt and pepper to taste.

  5. Once cooled, use your hands to shape a handful of mixture into an oblong shape. Repeat till all the mixture is used.

  6. Sprinkle with paprika and dress with yogurt before serving.

Recipe source: https://www.gourmetvegetarians.com/vegan-lentil-kofte/ 

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