味噌芝士豆腐 | Cheesy Miso Tofu

In Search of a Fukuoka Flavour.png

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味噌芝士豆腐 x 再尋福崗小店之味

2019年 | 女兒原定本年3月去東京讀書,因此我們一家去年12月一起到日本遊玩數天。在福崗一間食店,吃到一道燒味噌芝士豆腐,很美味 ! 我和女兒也記在心裏。 


份量: 3

所需時間: 30分鐘


鹽滷豆腐 1 磚
白味噌 1 湯匙
赤味噌 1 湯匙
水 1 湯匙 
糖 8克
Pizza芝士碎 適量


  1. 將豆腐切成12塊。

  2. 白味噌、赤味噌、水、糖混合均勻。

  3. 將焗爐預熱至180°C。

  4. 塗一層味噌醬在一半豆腐上, 再灑上一層pizza芝士。

  5. 疊上另一半豆腐,再重複(4)。

  6. 放入焗爐,烤至芝士融化,表面呈金黃 ,約25分鐘。



Cheesy Miso Tofu x In Search of a Fukuoka Flavour

2019 | My daughter was supposed to go to Tokyo for her studies this March, so our whole family took a trip to Japan for a few days last December. We came across this cheesy miso tofu at a restaurant in Fukuoka and it was delightful! It left a strong impression in our hearts.

Due to the severity of the coronavirus, my daughter is still home now. We thought of this dish and tried making it ourselves. Perhaps it’s not as delicious as the one in the small Fukuoka shop, but as my daughter made it for me, my heart is full of gratitude.

Serves: 3

Total cooking time: 30 minutes


1 block nigari tofu
1 tbsp white miso
1 tbsp red miso
1 tbsp water
8g sugar
Some shredded cheese


  1. Cut the tofu into 12 pieces.

  2. Mix the white miso, red miso, water, and sugar together.

  3. Preheat the oven to 180°C.

  4. Spread a layer of the miso mixture onto half the tofu pieces. Sprinkle with shredded cheese.

  5. Layer the other half of the tofu pieces on top, and repeat step (4).

  6. Put the tofu into the oven and bake around 25 minutes, until the cheese melts and turns golden brown.

Did you make this dish? Share your memory about it in the comment box below!