蜜糖薑燜豆腐 | Honey and Ginger Braised Tofu

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蜜糖薑燜豆腐 x 在歡笑和唏噓之間

2019年 | 有段時間我擺脫不到對工作、香港社會狀況及個人關係的焦慮。那時,我出行到倫敦工作,並與一位好友共渡整個週末。在烹飪和言談之間,她的慷慨提醒我要做一個更好的人。


份量: 4



煎炸豆腐 2 包(每包 280 克)
生抽 4 湯匙
蜜糖 3 湯匙
蒜 6 瓣(壓碎)
薑 3 厘米(去皮,刨絲)
展會梨 2 個(刨絲)
蔥 8 根(切碎,蔥白和蔥綠分開)
麻油 4 湯匙
韓國辣椒醬 3 茶匙
菜籽油 4 湯匙
黑白芝麻 適量


  1. 輕輕按下豆腐磚,盡量吸去多餘水份。用廚房紙巾包好,備用。

  2. 將生抽、蜜糖、薑、梨、蔥白、麻油、辣椒醬和2湯匙水倒進碗裡,拌勻。

  3. 將豆腐切成約1厘米厚的薄片。在碟上鋪上廚房紙巾。將菜籽油倒入一個大的平底鍋,塗抹均勻。放入豆腐,煎8分鐘左右,直至兩面都呈金黃色。將豆腐放在碟上,讓廚房紙巾吸去多餘食油。

  4. 將鍋中油倒去,剩下約2湯匙的油。放入蜜糖醬,攪拌1分鐘。加入豆腐,煮5分鐘,直到醬汁變得光滑濃稠。

  5. 上碟時,先將豆腐放好,再淋上醬汁,最後灑上芝麻和蔥綠。




食譜來源:East: 120 Vegan and Vegetarian Recipes from Bangalore to Beijing, Meera Sodha



Honey and Ginger Braised Tofu x In Laughter and in Strife

2019 | At a time when I couldn’t lift myself from anxiety about work, about the state of things in Hong Kong, or personal relationships gone awry, I took a work trip to London. For a full weekend, I stayed with a dear friend, and through her cooking and our conversations, her generosity reminded me of the good person I wanted to become.

Before I left, she gave me the cookbook, East, as a gift. Of the several recipes I’ve tried, this particular dish was my family’s favourite. I hope it brings some sweetness to your life, too. 

Serves: 4

Total cooking time: 1 hour


2 packs of extra-firm tofu (280g each)
4 tbsp light soy sauce
3 tbsp honey
6 cloves garlic, crushed
3cm ginger, peeled and grated
2 conference pears, grated
8 spring onions, finely chopped, whites and greens separated
4 tbsp toasted sesame oil
3 tsp gochujang paste
4 tbsp rapeseed oil
A handful of black and white sesame seeds


  1. Lightly press the tofu block to get rid of as much water as possible. Wrap in kitchen paper and set aside.

  2. Place the soy sauce, honey, garlic, ginger, pear, spring onion whites, sesame oil, gochujang, and 2 tbsp of water into a bowl and mix well. 

  3. Cut tofu into 1cm-thick slices. Layer a plate with kitchen paper. Coat a large frying pan with rapeseed oil and fry the tofu slices for about 8 minutes, until golden on both sides. Put the tofu on the plate and allow the kitchen paper to absorb some of the excess oil.

  4. Remove all but 2 tbsp of oil from the pan. Add the honey sauce and stir for a minute. Add the tofu back and cook for 5 minutes until the sauce becomes glossy and thick.

  5. To serve, place the tofu in a serving dish, pour the sauce over the top, and sprinkle with sesame seeds and spring onion greens.

Contributor’s Note:

It’s not in the title, but I think the pear is the best part of the dish. Its refreshing sweetness persists even if you add a lot of garlic or gochujang. 

My family doesn’t like strong flavours, so I used less soy sauce and gochujang. It still worked well – we even saved up the sauce to reuse for one more meal!

Recipe source: East: 120 Vegan and Vegetarian Recipes from Bangalore to Beijing, Meera Sodha

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