三杯菇 | Three Cup Mushrooms

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三杯菇 x 人類學家的廚房

煮食令人類與別不同,讓智人(Homo sapiens)從艱苦捕獵和採集的食物中吸收更多的卡路里,令大腦得以發育。煮食也增加了人類的社交程度,提供更有效的方法讓人們與同居者分享食物,甚至成為表現效忠及建立和平的禮儀。我煮,故我在。




蘑菇 800 克(至少三種)
薑 1 厘米(去皮,壓碎)
蒜 5 瓣(去皮,保留原狀)
葱頭 5 顆(去皮,保留原狀)
乾辣椒 1-2 個
生抽 2 湯匙
清酒或中國米酒(或替代幹雪利酒) 1/4 杯
麻油 2 湯匙
中國冰糖 20 克(或砂糖 4 茶匙)
細海鹽 1/4 茶匙
紅香蕉辣椒(或其他長而溫和的辣椒) 1-2 個
泰國羅勒葉 一小把


  1. 先把蘑菇洗淨。如用大而多肉的蘑菇(如雞肶菇),把它們切成三口。較軟的蘑菇(如草菇)應切成兩半。如果使用金菇,修剪並丟棄約1.5厘米的莖幹末端,再拉成小叢。把蘑菇按種類分開。

  2. 把薑放在砧板上,用廚師刀的側面輕輕敲碎。準備蒜、蔥頭和乾辣椒。

  3. 把豉油、印尼甜醬油、米酒、芝麻油、糖和鹽放在煲裏。用中火煲滾醬油合成,然後放入薑、蒜、葱和乾辣椒。煮5分鐘左右,或直到糖溶化。

  4. 把蘑菇加入醬中,先放入肉質較重的種類(如雞肶菇)。當較硬的蘑菇開始變軟時,混合較軟的品種(金菇最後才加入)。邊煮邊攪拌——蘑菇在吸收醬汁前會變軟,並釋放出自己的水份。把蘑菇煮10分鐘左右,或直到醬汁稍微變稠。加入金菇和香蕉辣椒。嘗嘗醬汁的味道,如有必要,據口味調教。再燉幾分鐘,經常攪拌,直到蘑菇煮熟。

  5. 拌入羅勒葉,用慢火煮。收火,與蒸飯一起食用。




Three Cup Mushrooms x An Anthropologist’s Kitchen

Cooking made us human. It helped Homo sapiens acquire more calories from the food so arduously hunted and gathered, enabling the development of a bigger brain. It also made us more social, providing a more efficient way to share food with our co-habitants, and eventually, a more ceremonial way to make peace or swear allegiance. I cook, because I am human.

Serves: 4-6

Total cooking time: 30 minutes


800g / 28 oz fresh mushrooms, at least three types
1cm chunk ginger, peeled and crushed
5 garlic cloves, peeled and leave whole
5 shallots, peeled and leave whole
1-2 dried chillies
2 tbsp light soy sauce
2 tbsp kecap manis (Indonesian sweet soy sauce)
1/4 cup sake or Chinese rice wine, or substitute dry sherry
2 tbsp sesame oil
20g / 3/4 oz Chinese rock sugar, or 4 3/4 tsp granulated sugar
1/4 tsp fine sea salt
1-2 red banana chillies, or another type of long, mild chilli, cut diagonally into 3mm-thick pieces
A small handful of Thai basil leaves


  1. Briefly rinse the mushrooms. With large, meaty mushrooms (such as king oyster), cut them into three-bite pieces. Softer mushrooms (such as straw) should be cut in half. If using enoki mushrooms, trim off and discard about 1.5cm of the woody stem ends, then pull the mushrooms into smaller clumps. Keep the mushrooms separate by type. 

  2. Put the ginger on a cutting board and hit it with the side of a large chef’s knife to crush it lightly. Prepare the garlic cloves, shallots, and dried chillies.

  3. Put the soy sauce, kecap manis, rice wine, sesame oil, sugar and salt in a pot. Place the pot over a medium flame and bring to the boil, then add the ginger, garlic, shallots, and dried chillies. Boil the ingredients for about 5 minutes, or until the sugar dissolves. 

  4. Add the mushrooms to the boiling liquid. The meatier types (such as king oyster) should go in first. When the firmer mushrooms start to soften, mix in the softer varieties (but not the enoki, which should be added at the end). Boil the ingredients uncovered and stir often – the mushrooms will soften and give off their own liquid, before absorbing the sauce. Cook the mushrooms for about 10 minutes in total, or until the sauce thickens slightly. Stir in the enoki mushrooms and banana chillies. Taste the sauce and correct, if necessary, then simmer for a few more minutes. Stir often, until the enoki mushrooms are cooked. 

  5. Stir in the basil leaves and simmer until wilted. Remove from flame and serve with rice. 

Recipe source: https://www.scmp.com/cooking/recipe/three-cup-mushrooms/article/3026635

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