焗葡國素雞 | Baked Vegan Portuguese 'Chicken'

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焗葡國素雞 x 一窺澳門獨有菜系

2015年 | 為了研究素葡國雞的做法,我專程去了一趟澳門,光顧了一間歷史悠久,很有名的葵花素食餐廳小店,發現他們使用麵筋腸去模仿雞肉。那事情就簡單了,因為麵筋腸在香港的街市是很容易買得到的食材。




薯仔 2 個(切塊)
紅蘿蔔 1 條(切塊)
麵筋腸 3 條(預先醃好)
車里茄 20 粒(切半)
丁香 2 粒
肉桂枝 1 小塊
咖哩粉 1 茶匙
黃薑粉 1 茶匙
月桂葉 1 片
椰漿 1 罐
椰絲 適量


  1. 先用丁香肉桂枝起鑊,再用咖哩粉、黃薑粉、月桂葉煮熟薯仔、紅蘿蔔,約10分鐘。

  2. 加入麵筋腸,煮5分鐘。

  3. 加椰漿,再煮5分鐘。

  4. 倒入烤盤,在面層鋪一層車厘茄, 再在上面鋪一層椰絲。

  5. 放入焗爐,用180°C焗30分鐘即可。






Baked Vegan Portuguese ‘Chicken’ x A Glimpse into Macanese Food Heritage

2015 |  To find out how to make the vegan version of Portuguese chicken, I took a trip to Macau and visited the Estb de Comidas Gira-sol, a vegan restaurant with a long history there. I was delighted to find that they used gluten rolls to replace the chicken. This certainly makes things easier as gluten rolls can be easily found in markets in Hong Kong!

Serves: 4

Total cooking time: 1.5 hours


2 potatoes, chopped
1 carrot, chopped
3 pieces of gluten rolls (‘sausages’), marinated
20 cherry tomatoes, halved
2 cloves
1 small cinnamon stick
1 tsp curry powder
1 tsp turmeric
1 bay leaf
1 can coconut milk
Some desiccated coconut


  1. Heat the cloves and cinnamon stick, then cook the potatoes and carrot with curry powder, turmeric, and bay leaf for around 10 minutes.

  2. Add the gluten rolls, cook for 5 minutes.

  3. Add the coconut milk, cook for another 5 minutes.

  4. Place on baking tray and line the top with cherry tomatoes, then add a layer of desiccated coconut.

  5. Bake in the oven under 180°C for 30 minutes.

Contributor’s Note:

If I cook this for dinner, I would marinate the gluten rolls in advance. To let them absorb more flavour, I usually marinate with dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, oil, ground pepper, five-spice powder, sugar, flour, sesame oil, and a bit of water.

Also, I added my own Macanese-Portuguese elements into this dish, such as using cloves and cinnamon, and adding desiccated coconut in the end to bring out the flavours in the oven. If you’d like, you can also add cheese.

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