芝麻脆餅 | Crispy Sesame Cookies

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芝麻脆餅 x 零罪疚感的居家隔離

2020年 | 2020年多麼具挑戰性呢。正值鼠年,新冠肺炎蔓延全球,大家都要保持警惕。疫情改變了我們的日常生活,大多數人須留家工作,學校也停課了。






黑芝麻 40克
白芝麻 40克
糖粉 60克
低筋麵粉 30克
蛋白 3顆
酥油 30克(可用牛油、椰子油或芥花油代替)


  1. 將焗爐預熱至180°C。

  2. 將所有材料拌勻。

  3. 在烤盤上鋪上牛油紙,用匙羹將材料整成圓形,平均地放在烤盤上。

  4. 在180°C下焗10分鐘。

  5. 在100°C下再焗5分鐘即成。



Crispy Sesame Cookies x Guilt-free Social Distancing

2020 | What a challenging 2020. Covid-19 has spread all over the world in this Year of the Rat. Everyone needs to exercise caution and stay alert. Daily life has changed. Most people need to work from home, and there is no school now. 

Maybe you will say we are free. We spend most time browsing websites, playing computer games, watching films, etc. Snack consumption has increased too! How can I make sure my family stays healthy in this period? Crispy sesame cookies can help.

I use ghee instead of butter to make it. My husband loves eating biscuits, but often when I read the food nutrition labels, I don’t want to buy them for him. Now we’ve solved the problem!

Serves: 4

Total cooking time: 30-40 minutes


40g black sesame
40g white sesame
60g powdered sugar
30g low gluten flour
3 egg whites
30g ghee (can be substituted with butter, coconut oil, or canola oil)


  1. Preheat oven to 180°C.

  2. Mix all the ingredients well.

  3. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Use a spoon to spread the mixture into round shapes, spread evenly on the tray.

  4. Bake for 10 minutes at 180°C.

  5. Bake for another 5 minutes at 100°C. 

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