韓式辣醬脆炸椰菜花 | Crunchy Gochujang Cauliflower


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韓式辣醬脆炸椰菜花 x 來自星星的炸雞

2013年,首爾;2022年,倫敦 | 我去南韓的時候,正值韓劇《來自星星的你》令「炸雞配啤酒」(chimaek) 成為一股勢不可擋的潮流。



雖然炸雞配啤酒於2013年時與我緣慳一面,但這道韓式辣醬脆炸椰菜花就足以彌補那份遺憾。材料方面,我用了鎮上農夫市集購得的本地時令蔬菜,讓我稱心地跟上這個文化潮流 — 縱使遲了十年!

份量:4 人

所需時間:1 小時


椰菜花 1 頭(切塊)
粟粉 1-2杯
蒜粉 1 湯匙
黑胡椒 1 茶匙
豉油 2 湯匙
素蠔油 1 茶匙
芥末 1 茶匙
韓式辣椒醬 1 茶匙
楓糖漿 2 湯匙
洋蔥 1/4 杯(切碎)
蒜頭 5-6 瓣(切碎)
紅蘿蔔 1 根(切小塊)
蔥 2 根(切碎)
蔬菜高湯 1/3 杯
芝麻油 1/2 湯匙


  1. 在一個大碗裡加入1杯粟粉(剩下的稍後用)和一半蒜粉和黑胡椒。攪拌均勻。

  2. 在另一個碗準備醬汁。將1茶匙高湯、豉油、素蠔油、芥末、韓國辣椒醬、楓糖漿和 1/2 湯匙粟粉攪拌在一起。

  3. 用一個較深的平底鍋把油燒熱。等油燒熱期間,將椰菜花粘上粟粉蒜粉。盡量確保每一塊都塗有厚厚的粟粉,因為椰菜花必須要煎得很乾。

  4. 將塗有粟粉的椰菜花分批放入熱油中。粟粉用完後,加入第二杯粟粉和剩下的蒜粉及黑胡椒。

  5. 將椰菜花煎至開始變褐色。剩餘的椰菜花重複步驟。盛起備用。

  6. 做醬汁:開中至大火,在鍋中燒熱植物油。加入蒜頭、洋蔥、紅蘿蔔和蔥。炒至洋蔥開始變半透明,大概2分鐘。

  7. 加入高湯,再煮30秒。拌入早前準備好的醬汁,煮至濃稠。

  8. 熄火。將煎好的椰菜花倒入醬汁中。攪拌均勻。灑上芝麻油和芝麻即成。



由於時間關係,我跳過了原本食譜入面的一些步驟。以上食譜省去了將椰菜花調味和炸第二次這兩個步驟。效果仍然一流!當然,如果你時間充裕,我建議你可以照跟The Korean Vegan提供的食譜。


Crunchy Gochujang Cauliflower x My ‘Chimaek’ from Another Star

Seoul, 2013; London 2022 | I took a trip to South Korea in the age of the fried chicken and beer (chimaek) - an unstoppable cultural force fuelled by the kdrama, My Love From Another Star.  

I had been vegetarian for only a year then. Over time, I would come to realise that doing your research and building your community to share knowledge are part of the plant-based journey. But in 2013, I was underprepared and spent many meals frustrated and hungry.

Almost a decade later, I find myself living in a city where plant-based eating is celebrated enough to take a modest place in the mainstream. I wonder what kind of city enables this - is it the huge diversity in people that helps make subverting a dominant eating culture normal? 

If chimaek wasn’t possible for me in 2013, this crunchy gochujang cauliflower more than makes it up for me today. Cooked with local, seasonal vegetables from my borough’s farmer’s market, I got to live this cultural phenomenon the meaningful way - albeit 10 years late!

Serves: 4

Time: 1 hour


1 head cauliflower, chopped
1-2 cups corn starch
1 tbsp garlic powder
1 tsp black pepper
2 tbsp soy sauce
1 tsp vegetarian oyster sauce
1 tsp mustard
1 tsp gochujang
2 tbsp maple syrup
Vegetable oil
1/4 cup onion, chopped
5-6 cloves garlic, minced
1 carrot, chopped into small pieces
2 scallions, chopped
1/3 cup vegetable broth
1/2 tbsp sesame oil
Sesame seeds to garnish


  1. In a large bowl, add 1 cup corn starch (save the rest for later) and half of the garlic powder and the black pepper. Stir everything together. Set aside.

  2. Prepare the sauce in advance by whisking together 1 teaspoon of the vegetable base, soy sauce, vegetarian oyster sauce, mustard, gochujang, maple syrup, and 1/2 tablespoon corn starch.  

  3. In a deep saucepan, heat the oil. While you are waiting for the oil to get hot, dredge some of the cauliflower in the corn starch + garlic powder mixture. Make sure that each chunk is thickly coated with the corn starch. You want the cauliflower to be super dry.  

  4. Place the dredged cauliflower in the hot oil. Work in batches. Once the corn starch is all used up, add the second cup of corn starch + the rest of the garlic powder and black pepper. 

  5. Fry the cauliflower until the edges begin to brown. Repeat for the remaining cauliflower. Set aside.

  6. Make the sauce: Add oil to the pan over medium high heat. When the oil is hot, add the garlic, onion, carrot, and scallions. Sautee the vegetables until the onion starts to turn translucent, about 2 minutes.

  7. Add the vegetable broth and cook for another 30 seconds.  Then, stir in the sauce you prepared earlier.  Cook the sauce over medium high heat until it gets thick.

  8. Turn off heat. Pour the fried cauliflower into the sauce. Stir until they are evenly coated. Drizzle them with sesame oil and sprinkle the sesame seeds. Serve immediately.

Recipe source: https://thekoreanvegan.com/crunchy-gochujang-cauliflower/ 

Contributor’s Note: 

Because of time constraints, I skipped some steps in the original recipe. The recipe you see here misses out the steps on marinating the cauliflower beforehand and frying them for a second time. It still ended up excellent! If you do have time though, I’d fully recommend cooking the delicious original recipe from The Korean Vegan.