味噌牛油香煎南瓜 | Pan-fried Miso Butter Pumpkin

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味噌牛油香煎南瓜 x 快靚正

2021年 | 有次我跟朋友提起,我對煮食似乎感到力不從心。一方面,疫情使我惰性較大。另一方面,要找到適合我伴侶食用的食譜亦不容易。由於他有食物敏感,所以必須進食含低「FODMAP」*的食物。





份量: 4

所需時間:45 分鐘


小型南瓜 1 個(大概1.25kg;去皮、去核、切成1寸方塊)
純素牛油 3 湯匙(42g)
白味噌 3 湯匙(45g)
糖 1 茶匙
芝麻 1 湯匙


  1. 把南瓜塊放在一個大碗裡。

  2. 在煎鍋熱溶牛油。加入味噌和糖,攪拌均勻。

  3. 將味噌牛油倒入碗,用鑊鏟攪勻,直至所有南瓜塊都塗上味噌牛油。

  4. 用中火燒熱一個大煎鍋,鋪上一層南瓜,煎約5分鐘。把南瓜翻過來,再煎5分鐘。如有必要可分兩批煎。

  5. 南瓜上碟,灑上芝麻即成。




Pan-fried Miso Butter Pumpkin x Nutritiously Minimalist

2021 | I was chatting with a friend of mine about how I felt uninspired with cooking. Part of it was the inertia from the still-ongoing pandemic. Part of it was also just how difficult it was to find recipes that suited a low-FODMAP* diet - something my partner has had to follow strictly due to his allergies.

Hearing my frustrations, my friend introduced me to one of his lazy foods - miso butter - with all sorts of vegetables. I gave it a try. Little did I know this simple dish would become one of my favourite go-to dinners.

My partner was blown away. For someone who’s always had to give food a lot of time, thought, and planning, this recipe comes as a refreshing change as it’s easy, quick and tasty. 

This also makes it the perfect contender for people who have a busy working or social schedule but still want to eat well. It is very difficult for this dish to go wrong!

*FODMAPs are a group of carbs that aggravate gut symptoms for some people.

Serves: 4

Total cooking time: 45 minutes


1 small sugar pumpkin (about 1.25kg), peeled, seeded and cut into 1-inch cubes
3 tbsp vegan butter (42g)
3 tbsp shiro miso (45g)
1 tsp sugar
1 tbsp sesame seeds


  1.  Place pumpkin cubes in a large bowl.

  2. Melt butter in a small pan. Blend in miso and sugar until incorporated.

  3. Pour miso butter over pumpkin and mix with a spatula. Pumpkin cubes should be well coated with miso butter.

  4. Heat a large non-stick fry pan over medium heat. Place a layer of pumpkin in the pan and fry for about 5 minutes. Flip the cubes over and continue to fry for another 5 minutes. Fry in two batches if necessary.

  5. Transfer pan fried pumpkin to a dish and sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds. Serve immediately.

Recipe source: https://www.rotinrice.com/pan-fried-miso-butter-pumpkin/

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