椰子湯 | Coconut Soup

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椰子湯 x 人人有得飲

小時候,我最不期待的便是每頓住家飯裡的中式湯。魚湯有時太腥,雞湯太油膩 ,湯渣我又不太喜歡吃。

記得媽媽喜歡試弄新的食譜 ,有時感覺真的喝不下,但本著珍惜食物的精神,被家人逼著,加糖加水當中藥也要喝下去。長大後雖知道每餐有湯並非必然,但因本身不太喜歡喝中湯,所以並不覺得太可惜。 

後來我開始食素, 家中煲什麼湯,對每餐發板的媽媽來說都是一個挑戰。爸爸覺得湯不能缺肉,但有肉我又不能吃,所以過程中經歷過不少磨擦。



份量: 4-5

所需時間:1 小時或以上


椰子 1 個
紅蘿蔔 1 條
粟米 2 條
杞子 小量
腰果 120 克
蜜棗 2 粒
栗子 適量(乾或新鮮皆可)


  1. 椰子剝皮,砌條。

  2. 紅蘿蔔和粟米砌塊。

  3. 其他材料洗淨,瀝乾水份,備用。

  4. 滾一煲水。放入所有材料,煲一小時。



Coconut Soup x A Bowl for Everyone

I was never too keen on Chinese soup when growing up, yet we would have it at every family meal. Fish soup was inevitably too fishy, chicken soup too greasy; the leftover ingredients weren’t really my thing.

I recall my mum eagerly trying new recipes. Sometimes I felt I couldn’t take another bowl of soup, but in the spirit of cherishing food (and under the watchful eyes of my family), I sweetened it, diluted it, or treated it as Chinese medicine – I drank it no matter what.

When I got older, I realised that having soup at every meal was not something to take for granted. But I never thought too much of it as I didn’t enjoy Chinese soups that much.

When I went vegetarian, soup posed a challenge for my mum, who has to decide on what to cook for each of our meals. My dad did not believe in meatless soups, whereas I obviously wouldn’t take meat. The simple question of what soup to make brought tension to the house.

But by insisting that everyone should have a bowl of soup with our meals, my mum explored countless recipes, and finally found the sweet spot that balanced all our tastes. We often make vegan soups at home now. Not only do they represent my mum’s hard work, they also reflect my family’s respect for my choice to be vegetarian. Soup slowly became a part of the meal I look forward to the most.

With its subtle sweetness, this coconut soup is one of my family’s favourites.

Serves: 4-5

Total cooking time: 1 hour or more


1 coconut
1 carrot
2 sweet corn
Some goji berries
120g cashew nuts
2 dried honey dates
Some chestnuts (dried or fresh)


  1.  Peel the coconut. Roughly chop into strips.

  2. Chop the carrot and corn into pieces, bite-sized or slightly larger.

  3. Wash other ingredients, drain, set aside.

  4. Boil a pot of water. Put in all the ingredients. Cook for an hour.

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