豉汁牛油雞脾菇 | Soy Butter Glazed King Oyster Mushrooms


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  2. 按食譜炮製食物,拍照紀錄過程,並傳送至thesharedmeal.hk@gmail.com@thesharedmeal.space

  3. 回答一些問題,讓我們幫你撰寫食物回憶。

  4. 我們會在約兩週後把你的食譜 + 回憶上載至「聚餐」,與更多人分享。


份量:2-4 人



植物牛油 2 湯匙
豉油 1 湯匙
楓糖漿 1/2 茶匙
蒜 1 瓣(切碎)
黑胡椒 1/4 茶匙
雞脾菇 1 磅
植物油 2 湯匙
蔥 1 根(切粒)


  1. 用微波爐熱溶 2 湯匙植物牛油。拌入豉油、楓糖漿、蒜頭和黑胡椒。 擱置備用。

  2. 將蘑菇縱向切成 1/4寸厚的薄片。

  3. 用中至猛火燒熱平底鍋。鍋面刷油。油燒熱後,鋪上第一層蘑菇。蘑菇可以鋪得密集一點,讓它們煎熟而非蒸熟。

  4. 每邊蘑菇煎大約5分鐘,直到呈金黃色。重複步驟完成剩下的蘑菇。

  5. 把所有煮熟的蘑菇放回鍋中,倒入豉汁,立即熄火。利用鍋的餘熱將蘑菇和豉汁拌勻。上碟,灑上蔥花即成。



Soy Butter Glazed King Oyster Mushrooms

Adopt A Recipe

  1. Thank you for choosing this recipe!

  2. Cook the dish and send us photos (thesharedmeal.hk@gmail.com or @thesharedmeal.space)

  3. Answer some questions so we can help craft your food memory.

  4. Your recipe + memory will be uploaded on The Shared Meal within 2 weeks for even more people to enjoy!

Your story will join our growing collection of 50+ crowdsourced, fully bilingual recipes and memories that reflect the uniqueness of our community and diversity of plant-based eating.

Serves: 2-4 people

Total cooking time: 30-45 mins


2 tbsp plant-based butter
1 tbsp soy sauce
1/2 tsp maple syrup
1 clove garlic, finely minced
1/4 tsp black pepper
1 lbs king oyster mushrooms
2 tbsp vegetable oil
1 spring onion, chopped


  1. Melt 2 tbsp of plant-based butter in the microwave. Stir in the soy sauce, maple syrup, garlic, and black pepper. Mix well and set aside.

  2. Carefully slice the mushrooms lengthwise into 1/4-inch thick slices.

  3. Heat a pan over medium high heat. Cover the pan surface with oil. When the oil is heated, place the first batch of mushrooms in one layer, leaving them a little space to breathe so the mushrooms fry rather than steam. 

  4. Pan-fry for about 5 mins per side, until golden brown. Repeat to cook the rest of the mushrooms. 

  5. Add all the cooked mushrooms back to the pan, pour in the glaze, and immediately turn off the heat. Toss the mushrooms in the glaze using the residual heat of the pan. Garnish with chopped spring onion and serve.

Recipe source: https://thewoksoflife.com/soy-butter-glazed-king-oyster-mushrooms/#wprm-recipe-container-53362 (adapted)