清香冬蔭功湯 | Light Tom Yum Soup


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  1. 謝謝你揀選這個食譜!

  2. 按食譜炮製食物,拍照紀錄過程,並傳送至thesharedmeal.hk@gmail.com@thesharedmeal.space

  3. 回答一些問題,讓我們幫你撰寫食物回憶。

  4. 我們會在約兩週後把你的食譜 + 回憶上載至「聚餐」,與更多人分享。


份量:4 人



椰子油 2 茶匙
洋蔥 1/2 個(切粒)
蒜 2 湯匙(切粒)
泰式紅咖喱醬 2 茶匙(如要更清湯可省略)
水 4 杯
菇粉或蔬菜高湯粉 2 湯匙,或根據口味調節
冬菇水 3 杯
香茅 4 莖
青檸葉 2 片
新鮮青檸汁 2 湯匙
冬菇 3 杯(切片)
紅辣椒 3 顆(切粒)
糖 1 湯匙
車厘茄 1 杯 / 150克(切半)
硬豆腐 1 磚 / 450克(切方塊)


  1. 冬菇浸半天。浸好後瀝乾,將冬菇水留下。

  2. 用刀背敲打香茅,讓它們釋放更多香味。擱置備用。

  3. 將椰子油、洋蔥、蒜頭和紅咖喱醬加入湯煲中。炒至洋蔥變軟。

  4. 加入水、蘑菇或蔬菜高湯粉、冬菇水、香茅和青檸葉。煮沸,再煲5分鐘。

  5. 加入新鮮青檸汁、冬菇和紅辣椒。煮沸,再煲3-5分鐘。

  6. 轉中至慢火,加入糖、車厘茄和豆腐,再煮5分鐘。

  7. 灑上芫荽即成。


Light Tom Yum Soup

Adopt A Recipe

  1. Thank you for choosing this recipe!

  2. Cook the dish and send us photos (thesharedmeal.hk@gmail.com or @thesharedmeal.space)

  3. Answer some questions so we can help craft your food memory.

  4. Your recipe + memory will be uploaded on The Shared Meal within 2 weeks for even more people to enjoy!

Your story will join our growing collection of 50+ crowdsourced, fully bilingual recipes and memories that reflect the uniqueness of our community and diversity of plant-based eating.

Serves: 4 people

Total cooking time: 1 hour or more


2 tsp coconut oil
1/2 onion, finely chopped
2 tbsp garlic, minced
2 tsp Thai red curry paste (optional; lighter soup without)
4 cups water
2 tbsp mushroom powder or vegetable stock powder (or adjust to taste)
1 cup shiitake mushroom water
4 stalks lemongrass
2 lime leaves
2 tbsp fresh lime juice
3 cups shiitake mushrooms, sliced
3 red chili, chopped
1 tbsp sugar
1 cup cherry tomatoes (150g), sliced in half
1 block firm tofu (450g), cubed
Coriander, chopped


  1. Soak the shiitake mushrooms for half a day. Drain when done and keep the water.

  2. Bash the lemongrass with the back of a knife so they release more flavour. Set aside.

  3. Add the coconut oil to a pot along with the onion, garlic, and red curry paste. Fry until the onions are soft.

  4. Add the water, mushroom or vegetable stock powder, shiitake mushroom water, lemongrass, and lime leaves. Bring to a boil then simmer for 5 mins.

  5. Add the fresh lime juice, shiitake mushrooms, and red chili. Bring back to a boil and cook for another 3-5 mins.

  6. Turn down to low to medium heat. Add the sugar, cherry tomatoes, and tofu. Cook for another 5 mins.

  7. Garnish with coriander. Serve!